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Camping La Chanterelle in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes near Brioude

At the campsite and in the area

The location of the campsite La Chanterelle in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes allows a wide range of activities on the theme of nature. According the seasons you can swim in the lake (lifeguarding in July and August), fishing from April to October, hiking, and horse riding, mountain biking, mushroom picking, picking wild fruits, etc…


The proximity of the river Allier can also practice all water sports (canoeing, rafting etc. …). For the more adventurous of Ponting (jump swing), the acrobranch (adventure trail in the forest).


An afternoon at the farm, enjoy local produce, perform hand once, returning the animals to the stables. You can also eat typical dishes l’aligot Auvergne, the truffade, potée. discover loca artisans offering natural product such as saffron, honey, jams, goat cheeses, as well as the wide variety of Auvergne cheese (saint nectaire, bleu, fourme, cantal, gaperon, etc…)


I the area you can also visit : The lace, the lentilles vertes du Puy, the villages Blesle, Lavaudieu, Arlempdes, La Chaise Dieu, Brioude, the small churches, the Basilica. Ally old mill and wind turbine, castle of Domeyrat or Polignac, Lafayette, Murol.


The gorges de l’allier with magnificient landscapes. The Puy en Velay perched statues. Vulcania near Clermont-Ferrand. The parc des volcans d’Auvergne, The Parc du Livradois Forez.


We also get a lot of old cars, bikers and enduro competitions.


It’s difficult to list all the things to do in the region in addition to our animation program. It’s up to you. The camping La Chanterelle in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes will be an ideal starting point for your activities, cultural visits and tastings in the midi de l’Auvergne.


Brioude (17 km) Museum of salmon, Museum of lace, Romanesque Basilica – Lavaudieu (17 km) Abbey, stained glass – Domeyrat (18 km) Castle XIIIème siècle – La Chaise Dieu (22 km) Gothic Abbey Gothique, Classical music festival – Chanteuges (44 km) Farmed Salmon – Le Puy en Velay (63 km) Museum religius art, Festival Roi de l’Oiseau, Lentilles vertes, Verveine du Velay – Vulcania (90 km) Parc Européen du Volcanisme etc…

camping la chanterelle randonnee drone

History of Champagnac Le Vieux

On the last foothills of the Livradois, before the plain of Brioude, the wooded hiltops of Champagnac are called by the local people the mounts Bitous. From the rural domain of Durbiat, we have a very large view on the Margeride, the Plomb of Cantal, the Luguet and  the Sancy. The fairs of Champagnac : the area of Champagnac favoured a happpy convergence of ways and so a certain commercial activity.


At the beginning of the XVIth century, this transit encouraged to beg to the royal favour the creation of markets and fairs : since the end of  the wars, the king greatly accepted it to make the economic recovery of the country easier. The conditions of access being favourable, François 1st creates at Champagnac 4 fairs every year and 1 market every week. This favour will have a great influence on the development of  Champagnac.


In this small town which grows the patricians are created. In this period of social change, the enriched landowner often buys the property of the ruined local squire, thus raising his family to the middle class.Then the reform will compromise this material prosperity. At least, the impulsion is given : protected during the periods of troubles by its walls, heritage of  a time and of a social state which go towards the end, Champagnac will see prosper its fairs and markets, factors of its wealth.


Between the two mondial wars, there are still many markets and craftsmen (milliners, woden-sold shoes makers, saddlers, clog-makers, cartwrights, linen maids…) a weekly cinema, a public school and a private boarding school, 13 café bars among which 5 hotels and restaurants ! Almost every house of the village has got a cowshed with some cows, the farm activity being joined with the trade and the local crafts. And the famous three-month fairs are still very popular. Every population of the neighbouring comes on foot ,on cart or on cow-tip carts.


The animals are at very special places : the cows at the calvary, the sheep at the meadow Mirable, the pigs at the square of the church and the calf at the square of the café-bar Tavernier. The 5 restaurants serve more than 50 meals each and in the village lot of people have a picnic lunch. In the evening, there is a dance in every café-bar. Nowadays,if the ageing of the population prompts to the pessimism, the village knows a revival of activity in summer thanks to the lake and its fitting-out.


D’après Jacques de SEAUVE et M-C FAUGERE

camping la chanterelle la champagnac le vieux (18)

Etymologie : Campagnius. Situation géographique : 70 km de Clermont-Ferrand et du Puy en Velay, 16 km de Brioude. Altitude : 900 mètres, point culminant La Chaud. Population : 234 habitants.

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